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CFP for ICEC 2012: 14th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce

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등록일 : 2012-02-03
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제목 CFP for ICEC 2012: 14th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce
14th Annual International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2012)
"Competing on Real-Time Data Analytics - Connecting the Virtual and Physical Worlds of Social Commerce"

[Apologies if you received multiple copies due to cross-posting]
Tutorials: Monday, August 6; Main Conference, Tuesday-Wednesday, August 7-8, 2012
ICEC 2012 Website: http://www.sis.smu.edu.sg/icec2012
PDF version of this CFP can be downloaded at http://www.sis.smu.edu.sg/icec2012/call_for_papers.asp

Hosted by The Living Analytics Research Center (www.larc.smu.edu.sg), a joint venture of
Singapore Management University and Carnegie Mellon University.

Key Dates and Deadlines
• Electronic paper submission deadline: Friday, February 24, 2012
• Notification of acceptance: Monday, April 23, 2012
• Camera-ready papers and abstracts: Friday, May 25, 2012
• Workshop, tutorial and invited session proposals: Friday, March 2, 2012
• Workshop notification: Friday, March 16, 2012
• Conference workshop and tutorial date: Monday, August 6, 2012
• Main conference dates: Tuesday-Wednesday, August 7-8, 2012

The International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) is a forum for the exchange of new ideas related to emerging technologies and managerial practices in electronic commerce, IT services and mobile business. ICEC attracts global leaders in research from industry and academia. It recently has been held in Minneapolis (2007), Innsbruck (2008), Taipei (2009), Honolulu (2010), and Liverpool (2011). ICEC 2012 in Singapore will feature: refereed paper presentations on leading research issues; invited research sessions and keynote presentations; and panels on emerging issues that bring academic and industry participants together in dialogue. Because of ICEC’s proximity to the vibrant international business and high-tech setting of Singapore, we expect to have involvement from business, technology and public policy experts.
This ICEC has an exciting theme: “Competing on Real-Time Data Analytics: Connecting the Virtual and Physical Worlds of Social Commerce.” Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com CEO, commented: “For every leader in the company, not just for me, there are decisions that can be made by analysis. These are the best kind of decisions. They’re fact-based decisions.” Also, Tom Davenport, Jeanne Harris and Robert Morison, coauthors of Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results, argued: “Never before has there been a more important time for organizations to make better decisions based on fact-based analytics. The financial crisis revealed the price of unreasoned assumptions, and today the same urgency applies to organizations in every industry.”

We encourage development and presentation of research on real-time data analytics in the context of social commerce, where there are many applications. They range from delivery of location-based services in mobile devices, to online booking systems in travel and hospitality management, to risk management systems in financial services, to e-gaming. We hope to make a unique data set available to researchers interested in using it for research for ICEC 2012. We will host special tracks on the development of research on real-time data analytics in social commerce related to our research at the Living Analytics Research Center. We welcome your contributions.

ICEC’s Coverage of Research Topics
In addition to data analytics in social commerce, ICEC 2012 seeks submissions on topics that include but are not limited to: B2B/B2C e-commerce, cloud computing and IT services, digital business models, data mining and recommender systems, e-government, auctions and markets, emerging IT, information privacy, Internet economics, Internet gaming, legal issues in e-commerce, location-based systems, mobile and pervasive commerce, Internet service pricing, recommender systems, secure commerce, service science, service innovations, smart grids, social networking, sponsored advertising, text and Web mining – and many others.

General Chairs
• Rob Kauffman, Singapore Mgmt. Univ. (rkauffman@smu.edu.sg), and Dartmouth College, USA
• Steve Miller, Singapore Mgmt. Univ. (stevenmiller@smu.edu.sg)

Program Co-Chairs
• Martin Bichler, Technischen Universität München, Germany (bichler@in.tum.de)
• Hoong Chiun Lau, Singapore Management University (hclau@smu.edu.sg)
• Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota, USA (srivastava@umn.edu)
Program Co-Chair (Special Projects: Invited Tracks and Conference Correspondence)
• Yinping Yang, Agency for Science, Tech. and Research, Singapore (yangyp@ihpc.a-star.edu.sg)

The program co-chairs are charged with the development of the intellectual contents of ICEC. If you have questions about the appropriateness of a submission, please contact them by email. If you would like to develop one or several invited sessions of research papers, please discuss ideas that you may have for sessions and contents with the Special Projects Co-Chair. They will also invite selected papers for fast-track publication to Decision Support Systems, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, and others.
Organizing Committee

• ACM Proceedings and Publication: Shih-Fen Cheng, Singapore Mgmt. Univ.
• Budget, Finance and Registration: Youngsoo Kim, Singapore Mgmt. Univ.
• Conference Venue and Hotels: Jialie Shen, Singapore Mgmt. Univ.

Advisory Board
Izak Benbasat, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada Jae Kyu Lee, KAIST, Korea
Patrick Chau, Hong Kong Univ., China Ee-Peng Lim, Singapore Mgmt. Univ., Singapore
Jian Chen, Tsinghua University, China Zhangxi Lin, Texas Tech Univ., USA
Shirley Gregor, Australian Natl. Univ., Australia
Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen, Germany Terry Payne, University of Liverpool, UK
Norman Sadeh, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA
Eric Johnson, Dartmouth College, USA Eric Van Heck, Erasmus Univ., Netherlands
Varghese Jacob, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, USA Chih-Ping Wei, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
Ramayya Krishnan, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA Chris Westland, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, USA
Wei-Kwok Kee, City Univ. of Hong Kong, China Andrew Whinston, Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA
Byungtae Lee, KAIST, Korea
Keynote Speakers and Data Analytics Demos

We expect to have several keynote speakers who will discuss various issues, including: (1) the business disciplines’ view of the real-time data analytics and social commerce revolution; (2) the corresponding computer science side view; (3) a live case presentation about the technologies and impacts of a leading-edge real-time data analytics application in social commerce; and (4) a panel discussion on tech innovations that a number of experts believe will power the coming ten years of developments in the social commerce space.

All accepted papers will be published in the ACM digital library within its International Conference Proceedings Series under ISBN 978-1-4503-1197-7.

Submission Instructions for full length papers:
Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles should be limited to 8 pages in length and follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). Articles exceeding the page limit or not formatted according to the Proceedings template will not be reviewed. Articles should be submitted via the online submission system (http://icec2012.confmaster.net/) as PDF documents (other formats will not be accepted).

An Option: Inclusion of Abstract Only for Presentations in Conference Proceedings
In addition to the usual scientific proceedings submissions that are favored by computer science faculty, business school authors may submit full working papers that are under review or nearly ready for journal review without having the full paper printed in the proceedings, which might block publication later. This gives business school faculty the opportunity to obtain feedback on current research, while it gives attendees access to the best new ideas. Submissions will be reviewed and considered for presentation. The authors may choose, at their option, to publish only a one-page abstract in the proceedings, with a URL that points to the full paper, as the authors deem appropriate. Open access is preferred, but not required.