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Special Issue: “Ubiquity and Decision Support Systems”

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등록일 : 2011-02-01
첨부파일 : JOI_special_issue_proposal_11.1.31.pdf
제목 Special Issue: “Ubiquity and Decision Support Systems”
Special Issue:
“Ubiquity and Decision Support Systems”


▶ Objectives
This special issue is concerned with dealing with the latest high-quality results in the growing field where ubiquity and decision support system are being integrated to provide innovative decision-making mechanisms. Due to the dazzling development of ubiquitous computing technologies, it is inevitable for users to rely on the ubiquitous decision support system to get more reliable and timely information such as location-based information, context aware information, recommendation, context-prediction information, et al. Users used to be depending on a wide variety of decision support systems while they are moving constantly. In this situation, users become very sensitive to timeliness and novelty of information. In this sense, this special issue focuses on providing innovative research results on any issues related to the integration of ubiquity and decision support.

▶ Topics
We construe both intelligent and behavioral techniques for facilitating integration of ubiquity and decision support as well, including applications in ubiquitous decision support such as u-commerce to u-social networking, behavioral analysis of ubiquitous users, web service, mobile systems, business intelligence, context modeling to context prediction, multi-agent systems, and PLS/LISREL based analyses, etc. However, topics are not limited by this, once it is related to integration of ubiquity and decision support.

▶ Review Process
Each paper submitted to this special issue will be reviewed in a double-blind review process. Review criteria include significance of the work, novelty, clarity, writing quality, and sufficiency of information to permit replication, if applicable.

▶Important Dates and Guidelines
This journal is listed in SCIE . Schedules are VERY tight as you see in the below since the publication of this special issue is scheduled in June 2011. Henceforth, please be kindly advised that those poorly-written and ill-organized papers would be rejected immediately without being put into review processes. So I recommend that candidate authors may submit fully proof-edited manuscripts to avoid unnecessary delay in review processes. Manuscript preparation sample can be found in “LaTex and Word Styles” at http://www.information-iii.org/info/index.html .

▶ Full paper submission:
Feb 28, 2011 (submit Word file to center.iis@gmail.com with subject line “Special Issue JOI”)
Notification of Acceptance: Mar 15, 2011
Revised paper submission: Mar 25, 2011
Notification of final acceptance: Mar 31, 2011
Publication: Volume 14, No. 4 (June, 2011)

▶ Guest Editor
Prof. Kun Chang Lee
SKK Business School and Department of Interaction
Sungkyunkwan University
Seoul 110-745, Republic of Korea
Email: center.iis@gmail.com