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ICEC 2010 - Roadmap for the Future of Electronic Business

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등록일 : 2010-04-20
첨부파일 :
제목 ICEC 2010 - Roadmap for the Future of Electronic Business
The International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) provides a forum for the scientific research community in e-commerce from all over the world annually. It aims to bring together academics and practitioners to explore new frontiers of electronic businesses - with emphasis on cross-disciplinary research, development, and applications.

ICEC 2010 will be held at:
Shildler College of Business
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, Hawaii

<**>To plan your holiday in Hawaii, please visit www.hawaii.com

The International Conference on Electronic Commerce is sponsored by the International Center for Electronic Commerce (ICEC.net). Best papers will be invited to publish in the Journal of Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (Elsevier), the Journal of Decision Systems (Hermes), and the Group Decision and Negotiation (Kluwer)

▶ Important Dates (last update: Mar 2, 2010)

* Paper Submission Deadline _____ April 30, 2010 (NEW DEADLINE) ◀◀
* Notification of Acceptance ______ May 15, 2010
* Camera-ready Copy ____________ June 15, 2010
* Early-bird Registration __________ June 20, 2010
* Regular Registration ____________ July 20, 2010
* Conference ____________________ August 2-4, 2010

▶ Conference Co-Chairs

* Tung Bui
PRIISM, University of Hawaii
*Matthias Jarke
RWTH, Technical University of Aachen

▶ Program Co-Chairs

* Vasant Dhar
New York University
* Kai Lung Hui
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
* Helmut Krcmar
Technical University of Munich

▶ Advisory Board

* Dieter Fensel
University of Innsbruck, Austria
* Mark S. Fox
University of Toronto, Canada
* Maria Gini
University of Minnesota, USA
* Robert J. Kauffman
Arizona State University, USA
* Hannes Werthner
Technical University of Vienna, Austria
* J. Christopher Westland
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
*Terry R. Payne
University of Liverpool, UK
* Norman Sadeh
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
* Chintay Shih
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
* Bruce Spencer
National Research Council, Canada
* Jae Kyu Lee
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Tehcnology, Korea