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ISAP 소개와 Journal of eBusiness, special issue의 CFP

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등록일 : 2006-03-30
첨부파일 : ISAP 소개와 Journal of eBusiness, special issue의 CFP.zip
제목 ISAP 소개와 Journal of eBusiness, special issue의 CFP
International Journal of Electronic Business(http://www.inderscience.com/)
Special Issue on IT/IS in Asia Pacific (ISAP) (http://sigs.aisnet.org/SIGISAP/)

** Call for Papers

• The special issue on IT/IS in Asia-Pacific in International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB) provides publication opportunities for IT/IS researchers/scholars in the world who are interested in IS studies and research in Asia Pacific region. The main purpose of this special issue is to provide a forum where international scholars and practitioners interested in IS/IT issues associated with Asia Pacific region, can share research and practice experiences and explore new research approaches to advance IS research in Asia Pacific, which is also the aim of AIS (Association for Information Systems) SIG-ISAP (Specific Interest Group on IT/IS issues in Asia Pacific, http://sigs.aisnet.org/SIGISAP/). – The Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Electronic Business, Professor Eldon Li, kindly approved the proposal of publishing this special issue for our AIS SIG-ISAP (Professor Wayne Huang is the Executive Editor for this special issue).

• With recent success of AIS SIG-ISAP conference, December 2005, Las Vegas, USA, there is a strong potential of deepening the study in Asia Pacific region. The conference attracted more than 60 submissions from more than 9 countries of Asia Pacific. It brought IS researchers world-wide together to engage research collaborations in this field. This special issue on IT/IS in Asia-Pacific will publish some of the best papers from the ISAP 2005 conference proceeding, and at the same time, quality papers are also welcome from IS scholars around the world.

• It is very important to study IS/IT issues from the perspective of Asia Pacific, which could complement our understanding of those important organizational and strategic IS issues across geographic borders, as well as may help MNCs in developed countries do better in their business expansions in Asia Pacific. Possible topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

• Electronic Commerce
• Electronic Government
• Mobile Commerce
• Cultural and Social IT Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region
• Information and Systems Security
• Privacy and Ethnic issues in the Asia-Pacific Region
• IT/IS Adoption
• Decision Support Systems
• System Development and Design
• IT Applications in specific industry
• Software Engineering
• Promoting a better understanding of using IT for business organizations
• Reporting on theoretically informed empirical studies of IS issues in the Asia-Pacific
• Interdisciplinary collaboration in designing system for organizational betterment
• Other Research Areas

Manuscripts should typically be around 6000 words. Submitted papers will receive an initial screening from the Guest Editors before they are entered into the review process. Important screening criteria include fit with the theme of the special issue, significance of the research and likelihood of moving forward toward acceptance in two rounds of review. Manuscripts should be submitted via the electronic submission to one of the guest editors. Prospective authors are encouraged to contact guest editors concerning the appropriateness of their submissions for the special issue. There should be a separate title page giving the names and addresses of the authors. Any references that reveal the identity of the authors should be removed. The manuscript, following the standard guidelines for the International Journal of Electronic Business, should email to the guest editors by April 15, 2006.

** Important Dates

Deadlines for submissions: April 15, 2006
Notification of review outcome: June 15, 2006
Final manuscripts due: July 15, 2006
Publication of the special issue (tentatively): Winter 2006

** Special issue co-editors:

Professor Jim Jing Quan, JXQUAN@salisbury.edu
Professor H.M. Chen, hmchen@sjtu.edu.cn
Professor Christina Ling-hsing Chang, zubada22@yahoo.com.tw