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IJTM Call for Papers

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등록일 : 2006-03-02
첨부파일 : CFP-IJTM.pdf
제목 IJTM Call for Papers
***International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM) Call For papers***

Special Issue on: “Convergence as a Technology Management Challenge”

Guest Editors: Dr Heejin Lee, University of Melbourne, Australia and Professor Seongcheol Kim, Information and Communications University, Korea

* Important Dates

Abstract: 31 July 2006 (Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts to Professor Seongcheol Kim (below) for information on direction and content.)
Manuscript submission due: 31 October, 2006
Notification to authors: 31 January, 2007
Revised paper due: 31 March, 2007
Final decision: 15 May, 2007

* Editors and Notes
You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail (details Author Guidelines) to the following:

Seongcheol Kim
School of IT Business
Information and Communications University

Email: hiddentree@icu.ac.kr
with an email copy only to:

Editor-in-Chief IEL Editorial Office
E-mail: ijtm@inderscience.com

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor

*** 자세한 내용은 첨부한 CFP를 참조하시기 바랍니다.