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CFP-Social Networks and Social Web Mining(SNSM2012)

북게시판 list
등록일 : 2011-12-09
첨부파일 :
제목 CFP-Social Networks and Social Web Mining(SNSM2012)
3rd International Workshop on Social Networks and Social Web Mining (SNSM2012)
DASFAA2012, Busan, South Korea, 15-18 April, 2012

▣ Important dates

* Paper submission (EXTENDED)
Dec. 25 , 2011, 5PM (Pacific Time)

* Notification (EXTENDED)
Jan. 15 , 2012, 5PM (Pacific Time)

* Camera-ready deadline (EXTENDED)
Jan. 30, 2012, 5PM (Pacific Time)

................................... ▶ Social Networks and Social Web Mining ◀ ...............................................

Workshop Description

Today the emergence of web-based communities and hosted services such as social networking sites, wikis and folksonomies, brings in tremendous freedom of Web autonomy and facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing between users. Along with the interaction between users and computers, social media are rapidly becoming an important part of our digital experience, ranging from digital textual information to diverse multimedia forms. These aspects and characteristics constitute of the core of second generation of Web.

A prominent challenge lies in modeling and mining this vast pool of data to extract, represent and exploit meaningful knowledge and to leverage structures and dynamics of emerging social networks residing in the social media. Social networks and social media mining combines data mining with social computing as a promising direction and offers unique opportunities for developing novel algorithms and tools ranging from text and content mining to link mining.

The 3rd International Workshop on Social Networks and Social Media Mining on the Web in conjunction with DASFAA 2012 will bring together the academia, researchers and industrial practitioners from computer science, information systems, statistics, sociology, behavior science and organization science discipline, and provide a forum for recent advances in the field of social networks and social media, from the perspectives of data management and mining.

We solicit original and high quality submissions addressing all aspects of this field. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

◦Computational models for social media
◦Query languages for social networks and social media
◦Query processing and optimization
◦Influence, trust, and privacy
◦Search in social networks and social media
◦Interoperability among social applications and social media
◦Techniques for social-network analysis/mining and for the analysis of social-media phenomena
◦Adversarial blogging and counter measures
◦Link analysis and network structure discovery
◦Community detection and evolution
◦Blog search and retrieval
◦Group interaction, collaboration, and recommendation
◦Knowledge discovery (collective wisdom, trend analysis, and topic detection)
◦Social aspects of Blogosphere
◦Human interface and interaction techniques for social media

논문모집(Call For Paper)

분야: Social Network 관련
장소: 부산에서 열리는 국제 학술회의의 Social Network 웍샾
특전: 채택되는 논문의 경우 SCI급 논문지 2개에 추천됨
마감: 12월 25일로 연기.
이름: The Third International Workshop of Social Networks and Social Web Mining (SNSM 2012) 15-18 April, 2012, Busan, South Korea
<홈페이지 바로가기>http://e-research.csm