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CFP-Artificial Intelligence

북게시판 list
등록일 : 2011-11-28
첨부파일 : KI_Social_Media_CFP_v9.doc
제목 CFP-Artificial Intelligence
독일의 Artificial Intelligence 저널의 특집호 Call for paper

" KI Special Issue Call for Papers on Social Media "

KI – Künstliche Intelligenz (Artificial Intelligence)
A Springer publication, ISSN
0933-1875 (Print)
1610-1987 (Online)

Guest Editors
 ** Detlef Schoder, Prof. Dr., schoder@wim.uni-koeln.de, University of Cologne (Koeln), Department of Information Systems and Information Management, Cologne, Germany
 ** Peter A. Gloor, PhD, pgloor@mit.edu, MIT Sloan School of Management, Center for Collective Intelligence, Cambridge, MA, USA
 ** Panagiotis Takis Metaxas, PhD, Prof., pmetaxas@seas.harvard.edu, Wellesley College, Department of Computer Science, Wellesley, MA, and Harvard University, Center for Research on Computation and Society, Cambridge, MA, USA

** Call for Papers **

Social Media has led to radical paradigm shifts in the ways we communicate, collaborate, consume, and create information. Technology allows virtually anyone to disseminate information to a global audience almost instantaneously. Information published by peers in the form of Tweets, blog posts, or Web documents through online social networking services has proliferated on an unprecedented scale, contributing to an exponentially growing data deluge. A new level of connectedness among peers adds new ways for the consumption of (traditional) media. We are witnessing new forms of collaboration, including the phenomenon of an emergent ‘collective intelligence’. This intelligence of crowds can be harnessed in myriad ways, ranging from outsourcing simple, repetitive tasks on Amazon Mechanical Turk, to solving complex challenges such as proving a mathematical theorem creatively and collaboratively.

This call for papers welcomes contributions showing:
1) How to make sense of Social Media data, i.e. how to condense, distill, or integrate highly decentralized and dispersed data resulting from human communication, including sensor-collected data to a meaningful entity or information service, or
2) How Social Media contributes to innovation, collaboration, and collective intelligence.
We invite papers covering all aspects of Social Media analysis including Social Media in Business (especially for Marketing, Innovation, and Collaboration), Entertainment (especially Social News, Social Music Services, Social TV, and Social Network Games), as well as Art (e.g. City Installations). Applications of Social Media in art may be understood as a playing field for translating highly decentralized ‘social data’ into centralized forms of artful expression, thus furthering our intuitive understanding of these complex emergent phenomena.

The list of topics mentioned below is neither exhaustive nor exclusive. Insightful artifacts and methods as well as analytical, conceptual, empirical, and theoretical approaches (using any kind of research method, including experiments, primary data from social media logs, case studies, simulations, surveys, and so on) are within the scope.

 *Information/Web mining (e.g. opinion mining)
 *Prognosis (e.g. trend and hot topic identification)
 *Collective Intelligence
 *Crowdsourcing
 *Swarm Creativity, Collaborative Innovation Networks
 *(Dynamic) Social Media Monitoring
 *Sentiment, Natural Language Processing
 *Social Media within and for Smart Cities, Smart Traffic, Smart Energy
 *Social Networks for the collaboration of large communities
 *User behavior, social interaction
 *Social Network Analysis (SNA), semantic network analysis
 *Social search engines and aggregators
 *Social network games
 *Personalization and adaptation to user preference
 *Trust, reputation, social control, privacy
 *Information reliability, Web spam, content authenticity (e.g., detecting ‘astroturfing’)
** Deadlines **
 *Submissions open until January 9, 2012
 *Camera-ready copies of revised papers by April 30, 2012
 *Pre-Publication of accepted papers via Springer Online First™ in June 2012
 *Printed version of this Special Issue: Fall 2012

In addition to complete research papers, this Special Issue will accept dissertation and conference reports, as well as practical project and innovative software descriptions in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the current activities in this area.

All submitted manuscripts should be original contributions and not be under consideration in any other venue. Publication of an enhanced version of a previously published conference paper is possible if the review process determines that the revision contains significant enhancements, amplification or clarification of the original material. Any prior appearance of a substantial amount of a submission should be noted in the submission letter and on the title page.

For inquiries and submissions please contact:

Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder, University of Cologne (Koeln), Department of Information Systems and Information Management, Pohligstrasse 1, D-50969 Cologne/Germany, Phone: +49 / (0)221 470-5325, Fax: +49 / (0)221 470-5393, URL: http://www.wim.uni-koeln.de/, Email: schoder@wim.uni-koeln.de