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PACIS 2010 Second CFP

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등록일 : 2010-03-15
첨부파일 : PACIS 2010 Second CFP.pdf
제목 PACIS 2010 Second CFP
▶ 14th PACIS 2010
___ Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
___ July 9-12, 2010, Taipel, Taiwan


▶▶ Important Dates ◀◀
Paper submission deadline (extended): March 21, 2010
Nomination deadline (doctoral consortium): April 15, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance: April 30, 2010
Notification of acceptance (doctoral consortium): May 15, 2010
Camera-ready manuscripts due: May 20, 2010
Doctoral consortium: July 8-9, 2010
Conference: July 9-12, 2010

____________________________________▶Call for Papers◀_____________________________________

The Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), sponsored by the Association for Information Systems (AIS), is the premier annual information systems conference in the region. It aims to provide a high quality forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange research findings and practices on key issues in information systems and management.

PACIS 2010 will be held in Taipei, Taiwan on July 9-12, 2010 and its theme is “Service Science in Information Systems Research.” In response to the transition of the global economy from the manufacturing to servicedominated economy, service science is emerging as a new and exciting paradigm. It represents a melding of information technology with an understanding of business processes and human behaviors for improving service operations, delivery, innovation, and ultimate values to customers. At the emerging stage of service science, it is essential for information systems (IS) researchers and practitioners to help shape what service science is by fusing IS research into inquiries of service science. Meanwhile, the service-centric view of service science may open up exciting opportunities and unique challenges to IS research. Hence, this conference aims to facilitate the dialogues among IS professionals in academic and industries to exchange insights on issues related to service science in IS research as well as IS research to service science.

▶ The conference will be organized into several tracks but not limited to these topics:
• (Theme) Service Science in IS Research
• IT/IS Leadership, Strategy, and Governance
• Social and Organizational Aspects of IS
• IT Adoption and Diffusion
• IT/IS Project Management
• Global IT/IS Management
• Human Behavior and IT/IS
• Electronic Commerce and Mobile Commerce
• Knowledge Management
• Web 2.0, Social Computing and Data Mining
• IT/IS and Design Science
• Information Systems Security and Privacy
• Human Computer Interaction
• Economics of IS
• IT/IS in Healthcare
• Green IT and Management
• General Track

The official language of the conference is English. All papers must be written in English. Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers. All papers must be submitted electronically using the conference’s online submission system available at http://www.pacis2010.org. Submitted papers should not have been submitted for review, accepted for publication, or already published elsewhere. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings provided that at least one author registers for and presents in the conference. High quality papers will be nominated for the best paper award. For any inquiries related to paper submission, please contact the program chairs.

▶ Doctoral Consortium
The PACIS 2010 Doctoral Consortium Committee invites each university to nominate one candidate for the doctoral consortium. The doctoral consortium provides doctoral students in the field of information systems with an opportunity to share their research ideas with other doctoral students and scholars and to receive quality feedbacks for their academic work. It also enables doctoral students to explore issues related to academic and research careers and to build collaboration networks with other doctoral students from the region and eminent professors across the globe.

▶ Call for Tutorials
In addition to the regular research program, PACIS 2010 invites proposals for tutorials to be held at the conference hotel. Proposals for tutorials should cover timely topics in information systems or issues related to the conference theme. Proposals for tutorials should include:

• Title, a 300 word abstract, a brief outline, and the estimated length of the proposed tutorial.
• Short description of the audience to which the tutorial is addressed.
• Short biography and contacting information of the tutorial speaker(s).

▶ Call for Panels
The panels should address timely and interesting topics in information systems. Each panel consists of 3 or 4 panelists and run for about 1.5 hours. Proposals for panels should include:
• Title of the proposed panel and a 300-word abstract describing the content of the proposed panel.
• Names and short biographies of panel chair and candidate panelists

▶ Journal Publication Arrangements
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended works to a special issue in Decision Support Systems(DSS) and a special issue in Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS).

▶ Conference Committees
* Conference Co-Chairs
Ting-Peng Liang
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Houn-Gee Chen
National Taiwan University, Taiwan

* Program Co-Chairs
Chih-Ping Wei
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Han Zhang
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Patrick Y.K. Chau
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

* Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs
Ming-Hui Huang
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Detmar Straub
Georgia State University, USA
Eric Wang
National Central University, Taiwan

* Organizing Co-Chairs
Ching-Chin Chern
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Seng-Cho Chou
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ling-Ling Wu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Carol Hsu
National Taiwan University, Taiwan

* Advisory Board
Izak Benbasat
University of British Columbia, Canada
Guoqing Chen
Tsinghua University, China
Guy Gable
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Shirley Gregor
Australian National University, Australia
Junichi Iijima
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Robert J. Kauffman
Arizona State University, USA
Jae Kyu Lee
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Vallabh Sambamurthy
Michigan State University, USA
Olivia R. Liu Sheng
University of Utah, USA
Detmar Straub
Georgia State University, USA
Bernard Tan
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Ron Weber
Monash University, Australia
K.K. Wei
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Andrew Whinston
University of Texas at Austin, USA