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PACIS 2010 KM Track-CFP

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등록일 : 2010-03-11
첨부파일 : PACIS2010_KM_Track_CFP.doc
제목 PACIS 2010 KM Track-CFP
▶▶ PACIS 2010Knowledge Management Track◀◀

Paper submission deadline extended (03-03-2010)
Due to many submission extension requests from prospective authors,
the paper submission deadline has been extended to March 21, 2010.

* Shin-Yuan Hung,
National Chung-Cheng University, Taiwan

* Jae-Nam Lee,
Korea University Business School, Korea

The objective of knowledge management track is to advance the understanding of the behavioral and technical issues associated with the creation, capture, transfer and use of knowledge in organizations. In addition, this track will provide a comprehensive cross discipline forum to share knowledge among researchers and practitioners with respect to the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of effective knowledge management systems. This track seeks high quality technical, empirical, and theoretical research covering all aspects of knowledge management. Submissions are especially encouraged covering the following topics (but not limited to):

* Theoretical developments in knowledge management research
* Design of knowledge management systems for creating, capturing, transferring, and sharing knowledge
* Development of knowledge management systems for creating, capturing, transferring, and sharing knowledge
* Implementation of knowledge management systems for creating, capturing, transferring, and sharing knowledge
* Maintenance of knowledge management systems for creating, capturing, transferring, and sharing knowledge
* Impact of knowledge management on individual, group, and organizational performance
* Enablers and inhibitors of knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing behaviors
* Metrics and effectiveness of knowledge management systems
* Organizational and economic incentive structures for knowledge sharing
* Global issues in knowledge management
* Organizational culture impacts on knowledge management
* Knowledge management in small and medium enterprises