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등록일 : 2010-03-11
첨부파일 : ICIS2010_PM_Outsourcing_Track_CFP.doc
제목 ICIS2010_PM_Outsourcing_Track_CFP
▶▶ICIS 2010 IT Project Management and Outsourcing Track ◀◀

ICIS 2010 (icis2010.aisnet.org)
IT Project Management and Outsourcing Track(icis2010.aisnet.org/track12.htm)

*ICIS 2010 submissions are open from Monday, February 1, 2010 until Monday, May 3,
2010, 11:59pm central time at mc.manuscriptcentral.com/icis2010.

* Guy G. Gable,
School of Information Technology
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

* Jae-Nam Lee,
Korea University Business School, Korea

Economic conditions demand that Information Technologies (IT) deliver ever more business value. The scope and complexity of IT projects has increased, requiring excellent project management to fully realize the benefits of IT. The growing trend to outsourcing has similarly been driven by increasing IT complexity and pressure to generate greater business value from IT. The track focuses on various research issues not only in project management and outsourcing themselves but also in the nexus of these topics such as project management for outsourcing, outsourcing of project management, and their interrelatedness. The research topics of the papers submitted to this track might relate to some of the issues, addressing (but not limited to) the following areas:

* Issues for IT project management
• All aspects of project management standards, processes, methodologies, tools, and metrics
• Organizational project management competence and maturity
• Virtual and distributed project management
• Impact of regulation compliance on IT project management (e.g., Basel II, SOX)
• Knowledge management in IT project management
• Project governance and control structures
• Project portfolio management
• Project complexity and risk management
• Leadership, power and politics in IT program management
• Innovation and creativity of project managers
• New and innovative trends and approaches to IT project management

* Issues for IT outsourcing
• All aspects of offshoring, nearshoring, rural sourcing and multi-sourcing
• IT capability development: insourcing, outsourcing, and backsourcing
• Knowledge creation, acquisition, sharing, and loss in IT outsourcing
• Impact of outsourcing at individual, firm, and national levels
• Structuring IT outsourcing Agreements
• IT outsourcing in global supply chain management
• Impact of service-oriented architectures on IT outsourcing
• IT outsourcing-enabled business transformation and new interorganizational forms
• Social, ethical, and regulatory implications in IT outsourcing
• Different approaches in outsourcing: total vs selective, single vs multiple vendors, short- vs long-term, contract vs partnership-based, on-site vs off-site, etc.
• Emerging trends in IT outsourcing