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The 9th Asian eBiz Workshop (Asian eBiz 2009)-CFP

북게시판 list
등록일 : 2009-01-28
첨부파일 :
제목 The 9th Asian eBiz Workshop (Asian eBiz 2009)-CFP
Call for Papers
The 9th Asian eBiz Workshop (Asian eBiz 2009)
- Extended Service Enterprise -
August 4-6, 2009, Kanazawa, Japan

“Improvement of IT Value from Extended Service View”

Sponsored by
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, TokyoTech, Japan

Co-sponsored by
School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, China
Graduate School of Management, KAIST, Korea

Cooperation with
Japan Society for Management Information (JASMIN)
Management and Information Study in Hokuriku (MISH)

It is our great honor to have the 9th Asian eBusiness Workshop in Kanazawa, Japan. The beginning of the workshop was in Beijing in 2001, and subsequently held in Seoul (2002), Tokyo (2003), Chengdu(2004), Jeju (2005), Fukuoka(2006), Beijing(2007) and Kyongju(2008). That is, it is the end of third round of the workshop.

In this year, we open the workshop at Hotel Nikko Kanazawa to which there are direct flights from Shanghai and Seoul.

Kanazawa is the center of the economy and culture of the Hokuriku area and the prefectural capital of Ishikawa Prefecture located in the center of Japan. Based on Kanazawa Tourist Information Guide, Kanazawa is a leading tourist city where 7 million tourists visit every year. Since Kanazawa has not suffered from any war or big natural disaster, it maintains rows of historical houses and inherits traditional handicrafts and traditional performing arts. You can also enjoy visiting Kenrokuen Garden (one of the three greatest gardens in Japan) and a great castle.

The workshop is a forum for enhancing information systems research specially focused on Asian electronic commerce and Asian e-Business. Since it is getting more and more important how to improve IT Value in Business, the theme of the workshop in this year is ”Improvement of IT Value from Extended Service View”.

The purpose of the workshop is to encourage ideas on e-Business based on the established
knowledge on ICT. In paper session, we will exchange our research results and ideas on e-Business.

The workshop is organized by three representative science-based universities in East Asia, Tokyo
Institute of Technology (Japan), Tsinghua University (China) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Korea) with the support of JSPS (the Japan Science Promotion Society) and hosted by the Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Welcome and I wish all the participants in the workshop enjoy and have a good time in the symposium in Kanazawa, Japan.

IIJIMA Junichi
Co-chair person of the 9th Asian e-Business workshop

The detailed and updated information will be provided at the following Website. We are looking forward to seeing you in Kanazawa.

General Co-Chairs:
Junichi Iijima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Jian Chen, Tsinghua University, China
Byungtae Lee, KAIST, Korea
Organizing Committee:
Junichi Iijima (Chair), TokyoTech, Japan
Hong Joo Lee (Korea Side Coordinator), the Catholic University of Korea, Korea
Jinghua Huang (China Side Coordinator), Tsinghua Univ., China
Motonari Tanabu (Program chair), Yokohama National Univ., Japan
Makoto Fukui, Univ. of Marketing and Distribution Sciences, Japan
Toru Hirata, Univ. of Kanazawa, Japan
Sho Ho, TokyoTech, Japan
Yasuo Kadono, Tokyo Univ. of Technology, Japan
Masao Kakihara, Yahoo! Japan, Japan
Kiyoshi Murata, Meiji Univ., Japan
Dai Senoo, TokyoTech, Japan
Sachiko Yanagihara, Univ. of Toyama, Japan
Taketoshi Yoshida, JAIST, Japan

Important Dates:
Abstract submission deadline: Feb 28th, 2009
Acceptance notification: Mar 31st, 2009
Full papers submission deadline: Jul 17th, 2009
Conference: Aug 4-6, 2009

Topic of Interests:
Authors are invited to submit their original, previously unpublished papers focused on the themes of electronic commerce and e-business, including research, theory, development, and applications. We would like to have high quality original paper submissions. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

- IT Investment Planning, Decision Making, and Management Issues
- IT Investment Evaluation
- IT Investment and Organization
- IT investment and Innovation
- Mobile Business
- Mobile Service
- Ubiquitous computing applications
- Productivity and ICT utilization
- Business Process Management and ICT
- Project Risk Management
- Case Study on IT Investment
- Service Science
- e-Business Strategy
- Digital economy
- Web 2.0
- Digital Content

Paper Submission:
Please send information including the paper title, the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), an abstract of not more than 300 words, and the contact e-mail address through your coordinator to the organizing committee before abstract submission deadline.

For Korean Participants:
Please send your information to: hongjoo@catholic.ac.kr

For Chinese Participants:
Please send your information to: huangjh@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn

For Japanese Participants:
Please send your information to: ebiz@is.me.titech.ac.jp

Full papers for the workshop proceeding are limited to 6 pages in length, including all figures, tables, references, and the title and abstract page. The paper should follow the document style of PACIS proceeding. You can find information about the document style and paper template at http://www.pacis2008.org/Call_For_Papers.htm
Please send papers (in MS Word 2003 or MS Word 2007) to the organizing committee through your coordinator.

All submitted paper abstracts will be reviewed on the relevance to Asian electronic commerce and/or Asian e-Business. Accepted papers will appear the conference proceedings (online version).