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국제학술지 게재를 위한 논문작성법 세미나-서울대학교

북게시판 list
등록일 : 2008-09-05
첨부파일 : Emerald Workshop Invitation.doc
제목 국제학술지 게재를 위한 논문작성법 세미나-서울대학교
Seoul National University College of Engineering presents:
“The Insiders’ Guide to Getting Published in
International Research Journals”
By Adam Sutcliffe『Senior Business Manager, Emerald Publishing Group』

Workshop Overview

Title: “The Insiders’ Guide to Getting Published in International Research Journals”

Date : September 24, 2008 (Wednesday) 2pm

Venue : Multipurpose Hall, 39th Bldg, College of Engineering, Seoul National University

Adam Sutcliffe will be coming to Seoul National University to share his knowledge and experiences on Wednesday, 24th of September at SNU. This session is for anyone who is considering getting their work published in an international journal.

The session will contain insider’s information on:
 How to get published in the right journal
 How to target your work more effectively
 What editors and reviewers actually look for
 ISI, rankings and how important they are to your research
 The key questions that make or break a paper
 How to peer review your own work
 The secrets of revision
For more information please visit www.emeraldinsight.com. Adam will also be on hand to answer your questions from a publisher’s perspective, so please come along ready to get the most from this valuable experience.

Emerald Publishing Group Limited is an international academic publisher that has been in business for more than 40 years. They currently publish more than 170 journal titles in the fields of management, information science, and engineering. They are the leading English language publisher of academic and professional literature in the fields of management and library services and their potential readership worldwide is more than 15 million people.

Adam Sutcliffe is a senior business manager at Emerald and has worked in publishing both in the UK and Singapore for 5 years. Adam comes from an academic background, working as a qualified teacher for over 5 years in the UK. He is now responsible for Emerald’s academic partners in SE Asia and Korea, and makes regular visits to the region to deliver user training and author workshops.

This event is hosted by Professor Jina Kang of Industrial Engineering Department and Technology Management Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP) at the College of Engineering of Seoul National University. She is currently doing research on strategic management and technology innovation, and has published in an Emerald journal.

How to reserve

Please reserve your FREE spot by contacting Ms. YuCheong CHON of Technology Management Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP), Seoul National University, ycchon@temep.snu.ac.kr, 010-3288-7828(Mobile) or 02-880-8683(Office) and provide the following information: Name / School & Department / Email address