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한국경영과학회 영문저널인 IJMS의 Call For Papers

북게시판 list
등록일 : 2007-11-21
첨부파일 :
제목 한국경영과학회 영문저널인 IJMS의 Call For Papers
**Call for Papers**
Special Issue
of International Journal of Management Science on “Demand Forecasting”

To be successful in today’s business world characterized by fiercer competition and shorter product life cycle, it is very critical to get accurate estimates of demand as early as possible. Over the last two decades, demand forecasting has experienced a new explosion of interest from a large number of disciplines, including business, engineering, statistics, economics, telecommunication, and tourism.

This special issue aims to explore recent developments in theory, models, and techniques for demand forecasting across various disciplines. To this end, the special issue is designed to solicit and publish papers that provide a clear view of the state of the art in demand forecasting regardless of disciplines. (The International Journal of Management Science is a publication of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society and has been on the Korea Research Fund journal list, or 학진등재학술지, since the year of 2001.)

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Real Applications and/or case studies of demand forecasting
- New models/techniques addressing demand forecasting
- Comparisons and/or assessments of predictive performance of demand forecasting models/techniques/methods
- Review Papers on theory, models, and/or techniques for demand forecasting
- Adjustment of the up-ward bias of demand estimates of product concepts
- Demand forecasting for innovative products
- Competition dynamics, including substitution effects
- Demand forecasting for product concepts
- Data mining and demand forecasting
- Product life cycle
- Expert system for demand forecasting
- Unified approaches incorporating various data sources such as time-series, survey, and expert data.
- Demand forecasting at the industry-, market-, and individual level.

Review Process and Submission Instructions
Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. To enable a timely publication of the special issue, the review process will take faster track.

Submission Instructions
Submissions should be e-mailed to the Special Issue Editor. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the guideline posted at the Journal’s web site (http://www.korms.or.kr/5s-03.html).

Important Dates
Manuscript submission: December 31, 2007
Decisions back to authors: January 31, 2008
Final Manuscript submission: February 29, 2008
Publication: March, 2008

Special Issue Editor
Associate Professor Jin Gyo Kim
Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University
Shillim9-Dong, Kwanak-Ku, Seoul, Korea
e-mail: jingkim@snu.ac.kr
phone: +82-2-880-9283

General Inquiries
Please address general inquiries to jingkim@snu.ac.kr