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[Call for Book Chapter] Business Process Management: Concepts, Technology, and Application

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등록일 : 2007-06-14
첨부파일 :
제목 [Call for Book Chapter] Business Process Management: Concepts, Technology, and Application
Call for Book Chapters

Title: Business Process Management: Concepts, Technologies and Applications
Publisher: M.E Sharpe Inc.
Volume: Advances in Management Information Systems

Volume Editors:

Venky Shankararaman, School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University
80 Stamford Road, Singapore 178902, venky@smu.edu.sg

J. Leon Zhao, Department of Management Information Systems, Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA, lzhao@eller.arizona.edu

Jae Kyu Lee, Dean, KAIST Business School
207-43 Cheongryangri, Dongdaemun, Seoul, Korea, jklee@kgsm.kaist.ac.kr

Description of the Volumes Contribution:

Business processes are valuable corporate assets since they directly support corporate business strategies. Business processes, therefore, need to be managed and optimized just as any other business assets. This need has lead to significant advances in the area of Business Process Management (BPM). BPM focuses on the analysis of chains of activities involved in business processes and aims for increased reliability, flexibility and transparency in the management of business processes. Organizations need to manage processes at three levels, Enterprise, Process, and Technology.

At the Enterprise level, the concern is on the overall composition of the various business processes in the organization. For example:

What are the different processes that are required to achieve the business strategies?
How are these processes interrelated?

At the Process level, the concern is on each individual process in an organization. For example:

How can a process be optimized to reduce turnaround time from four days to two days?
What will be the impact on the process should the number of human resources be reduced by 5%?

At the Technology level, the concern is on the technologies that enable the automation of business processes. For example:

How can applications be integrated to support process automation?
How to monitor events of significance to the organization?
How to model processes?

This volume will strive to generate a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in concepts, technologies, and applications that enable advanced business process management in various enterprises.

Goals of the Book:

To highlight the importance of business process management and its relevance to other topics such as workflow, service-oriented architecture, etc.
To provide readers with a comprehensive survey of recent advances and the key concepts, technologies and applications in the area of business process management.
To present case studies that illustrates best practices and highlight pitfalls.

The topics are outlined as follows:

Preliminary Table of Contents:

Section I: Overview

Fundamentals of business process management
Recent advances in workflow technologies
BPM at the core of service-oriented computing

Section II: Business Process Modeling

Time-based process modeling
Event-based process modeling
Unstructured process modeling
Verification of business process models

Section III: Advanced Workflow Technologies

Agile workflow systems
Knowledge workflow systems
Scientific workflow systems
Workflow-based application integration

Section IV: Business Process Management

Business process innovation
Business process architecture
Business process outsourcing
Business process optimization
Business process services

Section V: Business Process Applications

Application of service-oriented architecture
Application of scientific workflows
Application of grid workflows
Application of knowledge workflows

The Envisaged Audience:

The potential readers of the volume include instructors, researchers, managers, consultants, and students who are engaged in the research, development, application, and teaching of business process technologies and applications.

Submission Format:

Authors should submit chapters in word or PDF files to venky@smu.edu.sg with CC to lzhao@eller.arizona.edu. Each chapter should be formatted according to the author guidelines found at http://www.mesharpe.com/amis_author_guidelines.htm, and the length of the chapter should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.

Important Dates:

* June 30, 2007: Manuscript completion
* August 15, 2007: Review completion
* September 15, 2007: Final manuscript completion
* October 15, 2007: Proof of the chapters by the Editors
* November 15, 2007: Final manuscript to the Series Editor