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ICEC 2007 Early Registration Due: June 15, 2007

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등록일 : 2007-06-12
첨부파일 :
제목 ICEC 2007 Early Registration Due: June 15, 2007
Reminder of Early Registration Due: June 15, 2007
The Ninth International Conference on Electronic Commerce
(ICEC 2007)
The Wireless World of Electronic Commerce

August 19-22, 2007
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
http://icec.net or http://icec07.cs.umn.edu

ICEC07 will feature: invited keynote presentations; panels on topical issues on technology, business and public policy; refereed paper presentations on emerging and continuing research issues; and tutorials and workshops that are designed to identify new areas for knowledge development and sharing. With involvement from the IT industry and the business community, ICEC07 will encourage new dialogues and exchanges that will enable each side to take advantage of what the other has to offer in terms of technological, managerial and public policy know how.

The conference will showcase new ideas that have emerged from cross-disciplinary discovery and collaboration - directions that are at the heart of current efforts to further advance e-commerce as both a business and academic discipline. The conference theme of ICEC07 will focus on the discovery of innovative techniques and technologies that strive to identify and overcome such difficulties, and set the foundation for new research endeavours that will allow e-commerce to grow much more rapidly in the years to come. ICEC07 will have multiple scientific tracks, each chaired by research leaders. Register at http://icec07.cs.umn.edu