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Call for Papers (BAI 2007)

북게시판 list
등록일 : 2006-12-01
첨부파일 :
제목 Call for Papers (BAI 2007)
Call for Papers (BAI 2007)

International Conference on Business and Information
July 11-13, 2007, Tokyo, Japan
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2007

The 2007 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2007) is to be held at Tokyo, Japan. The scholars are encouraged to submit papers or abstracts on any aspect of business and Information including but not limited to the following topics:

- Accounting
- Business Administration
- Business Policy and Strategy
- Economics
- Electronic Commerce
- Entrepreneurship
- Financial and Banking
- Health Care Administration
- Human Resource
- Information System and Technology
- International Business
- Management and Organization Behavior
- Management Education Management Information System
- Managerial Consultation
- Marketing
- Operations Management
- Organizational Development and Change
- Non-Profit Sector Management
- Research Methods
- Social Issues in Management
- Technology and Innovation
- Web Technology and Management
- Other Relevant Topics


About ten percent (10%) accepted papers will be select as Best Papers. The Best Papers list will be announced in conference program.


All full papers accepted in conference will be considered to be published in the Contemporary Management Research (CMR), a refereed, serial publication of BAI conference with ISSN number. The authors may decide to submit or not their manuscripts to CMR. Authors who hope to submit manuscripts to CMR MUST follow the procedure of CMR manuscript submission.Outstanding papers will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Business and Information (IJBI). IJBI is a new journal sponsored by the i-BAC. The inaugural issue is published in 2006.
IJBI applies a much more rigorous and lengthy review process, and it is more selective in the articles it publishes than does CMR. Whereas CMR is published in conjunction with BAI annual conference, IJBI is not associated directly with any conference. The journal articles published in IJBI are completely independent of annual conference participation and presentation.
There is no page charge for IJBI. However, the CMR imposes page fees on all accepted manuscripts. These fees are necessary to offset the very substantial cost of putting a manuscript into print. The CMR page fee is $25.00 per page.


Please check website for more details http://bai2007.atisr.org or http://ibacnet.org/bai2007

Past Conference

BAI is an annual conference scheduled in each July. BAI2004 was held in Taipei. BAI2005 was held in Hong Kong. BAI2006 was held in Singapore.