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국제지적자본학술대회(WCIC) Call for Papers

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등록일 : 2006-05-19
첨부파일 : WCIC-CFP-final.DOC
제목 국제지적자본학술대회(WCIC) Call for Papers
KMIS 회원여러분께,

안녕하십니까? KAIST 테크노경영대학원의 김영걸입니다.

이번 가을 (9/21-22) 한국지식경영학회(회장: 한인구)에서 ETRI의 특별후원으로 "국제 지적자본 학술대회 (World Congress on Intellectual Capital)"를 Coex센터에서 개최하게 되었습니다. Karl Sveiby, Leif Edvinsson, Verna Allee등 지적자본 및 지식경영 분야의 세계적인 전문가들을 모시고 진행하는 본 행사에 관심있으신 경영정보학회 회원 여러분들의 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.

국제지적자본 학술대회 조직위원장 김영걸 드림

Call for Papers

World Congress on Intellectual Capital (WCIC)

Korea KM Society, Seoul, Korea 21-22 Sept. 2006


As our society makes a gradual transition from agricultural and industrial economies into the modern global age, where knowledge has become the key to competitive advantage, more and more organizations are focusing on creating and effectively managing their organization’s intellectual capital (also called intellectual property or knowledge assets). To date, most of Knowledge Management (KM) research and implementation evolved around the creating and sharing of explicit knowledge through the use of enterprise wide Knowledge Management System (KMS). However, for KM initiatives to become a truly strategic organizational infrastructure, they need to expand their scope from tangible, document oriented knowledge objects to intangible, people oriented knowhow, process, technology/patents, and relationships that comprise the organization’s comprehensive intellectual capital.

The goal of this conference is to bring together industrial and academic experts to examine insightful and novel ways of measuring and utilizing organizational intellectual capital and share world-wide best practices in intellectual capital management(ICM) and KM. ICM experts, Dr. Karl-Erik Sveiby, Prof. Leif Edvinsson and Ms. Verna Allee will deliver keynote speeches as well as participate in the expert panel and tutorial sessions. Papers that take an organizational or managerial perspective to examine the conceptual framework, process, methodology, future trends and cases on intellectual capital management and recent KM issues will all be welcome. Possible topic areas include, but are not restricted to:

* Intellectual Capital Management: Conceptual Foundation

* Measurement of Intellectual Capital

* Intellectual Capital Reporting: Industry Cases

* ICM and Corporate Sustainability Management (CSM)

* ICM and Management Innovation

* ICM and R&D Performance Management

* KM Performance Evaluation

* Interorganizational Knowledge networks

* Communities of Practices

* Cross-institutional learning and knowledge sharing

* Cross-sector learning and knowledge sharing

* KM Implementation in the public sector: Cases

Best Paper/Case Awards

The best paper/case of the conference will be put on the fast-track review for publication on the KM Research Journal published by the KMSK. Authors of the selected, high-quality papers/cases will be awarded with US$1,000 travel support.


Submitted manuscripts have to be in English and should be no longer than 5000 words or 20 double spaced pages. Papers and inquiries should be submitted electronically to WCIC office at WCIC@KMSK.OR.KR.

Submission due date: July 31, 2006
Acceptance notification: August 21, 2006

Conference Chair: Dr. Ingoo Han [President, KM Society of Korea]
Program Co-Chair:
Prof. Young-Gul Kim [KAIST Graduate School of Management]
Dr. Seung Koog Lee [Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute]