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6th Asian eBiz Workshop CFP(2차공지)

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등록일 : 2006-04-28
첨부파일 : ebiz2006CFPv2.pdf
제목 6th Asian eBiz Workshop CFP(2차공지)
** Call for Papers, 2nd Announcement**

The 6th Asian eBiz Workshop (Asian eBiz 2006)
August 3-5, 2006, Fukuoka, Japan

Conference Theme: Evolving e-Business and Institution

Hosted by
The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management,Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Co-sponsored by
Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Japan Society for Management Information(JASMIN)

Welcome to the Asian eBiz Workshop. The workshop was held first in Beijing in 2001, and subsequently held in Seoul (2002), Tokyo (2003), Chengdu (2004), and Jeju (2005). This year you are invited to the 6th Asian eBiz Workshop in Fukuoka, Japan. Fukuoka is close to the Korean Peninsula and the Chinese Continent, and it has been serving as a gateway to import Asian culture from the ancient times. The workshop is a forum for enhancing information systems research specially focused on Asian electronic commerce and Asian e-Business. A wide range of methodologies such as survey research, experimental research, qualitative and interpretive research, econometric/statistical analysis, case studies, and simulations will be discussed. The proceedings of the workshop will contain all of your accepted submissions. The detailed and updated information will be provided at the official web site that will be released soon. We are looking forward to seeing you in Fukuoka.

* General Co-Chairs:
Junichi Iijima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Jian Chen, Tsinghua University, China
Sung Joo Park, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

* Local Organizing Committee:
Junichi Iijima (chair), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Kiyoshi Murata (program chair), Meiji University, Japan
Dai Senoo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
De-bi Tsao, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Motonari Tanabu, Yokohama National University, Japan
Masahiro Abiru, Fukuoka University, Japan

* Important Dates:
Abstract submission (within 100 words) deadline: April 30, 2006
Acceptance notification: May 15, 2006
Full papers submission deadline: June 30, 2006
Conference: August 3-5, 2006

* Topic of Interests:
Authors are invited to submit their original, previously unpublished papers focused on the themes of electronic commerce and e-business, including research, theory, development, and applications. We would like to have high quality original paper submissions. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

Ubiquitous computing applications Supply chain management
Next generation e-business e-business Strategy
B2C commerce Privacy, security, and ethics of e-business
B2B commerce Business intelligence and knowledge
Collaborative commerce management
Mobile commerce Institutional Management of Technology
Internet auction Web Information Systems
Digital economy e-Government

* Paper Submission:
Please send information including the paper title, the name(s) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), an abstract of not more than 100 words, and the contact e-mail address to the organizing committee through email at ebiz2006@tanabu.cn before the abstract submission deadline.

Papers should be written in English and follow the formatting instructions. Each paper must be either four or six manuscript pages including tables and figures. Formatting instructions and a sample paper would be provided on the official web site of the workshop. Please send papers in both of PDF and MS-Word formats to the organizing committee through email at ebiz2006@tanabu.cn.

All submitted paper abstracts will be reviewed on the relevance to Asian electronic commerce and/or Asian e-Business. Accepted papers will appear the conference proceedings, and excellent papers will be candidates for authorized journals related to information systems in Japan.