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ISAP2005 Call for papers

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등록일 : 2005-08-12
첨부파일 : Call for Paper.hwp
제목 ISAP2005 Call for papers

Call for papers : IS/IS Issues in Asia Pacific (ISAP) conference
Las Vegas, USA, December 11-12th, 2005

Conference Website:http://sigs.aisnet.org/SIGISAP/

* Important Dates

July 25th, 2005: Abstract due (not compulsory, but highly recommended)

Aug. 25th, 2005: Full (or research in progress) paper due

Sept. 25th, 2005: Acceptance letter sent out

Oct. 15th, 2005: Final manuscript due (in APA format)

* Submission Guideline

The deadline of the paper submission is Aug. 25th, 2005 (if you need a bit more time for the full paper submission, please email to the ISAP conference secretary Eric Y. Lu, ericlu100@gmail.com, with reasons for the extension).

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