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APC 2005 CFP(IS/IT Track)

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등록일 : 2005-05-04
첨부파일 : apc_it_proposal.doc
제목 APC 2005 CFP(IS/IT Track)
***Special Track on IS/IT topics for Accounting, Finance and others***

17th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues (APC2005)
November 20-23, 2005 / Wellington, New Zealand

This track (http://cyberlab.csufresno.edu:8080/APC) will explore the technology and the practical use in relation to Information systems and/or Information Technologies that support Accounting, Finance, and/or other areas. This track seeks to bring together researchers from around the globe for a creative and practical discussion on recent advances and challenges facing IS/IT research and applications. This track is organized within APC-2005 (http://www.craig.csufresno.edu/apc) by the School of Accounting and Commercial Law, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (http://www.sacl.vuw.ac.nz/) and Craig School of Business, California State University, Fresno, U.S.A (http://www.craig.csufresno.edu/).

We invite authors to submit their original and unpublished work that demonstrates current research and novel applications in IS/IT. The special track will focus on, but not limited to, the following topics:

• IS/IT Audit
• Security and Control
• Accounting Information Systems
• Economics of IS/IT
• IS/IT Outsourcing
• Data Warehousing and Data Mining
• Knowledge Management
• System Development & Software Engineering
• Decision Support & Group Collaboration
• Case Studies
• e-Business/e-Government/e-Society

▷ Paper Submission

All papers will be subject to a peer review process by at least two reviewers. All papers must follow the same requirements for the paper format of the conference that can be found at the website: http://www.craig.csufresno.edu/apc. After the final decision is made, authors will receive a notification letter accompanied with the reports of the reviewers. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings of APC-2005 and at least one of the authors must register and attend to present his/her paper at APC-2005. Please note all papers for this special track must be submitted online at: http://www.craig.csufresno.edu/apc

• Any questions or comments should be sent to:

Ojoung Kwon at okwon@csufresno.edu or Daihwan Min at mismdh@korea.ac.kr

• Ojoung Kwon, Ph.D.

Professor of Information Systems and Craig Faculty Fellow
IS Curriculum Coordinator
Department of IS/DS
Craig School of Business
California State University-Fresno
5245 N. Backer Avenue, PB-7
Fresno, CA 93740-8001
Phone: 559-278-8456
Fax: 559-278-4911

• Daihwan Min, Ph.D.

Department of Management Information Systems
College of Economics and Commerce
Korea University at Jochiwon
Choongnam, South Korea
Phone: 82-41-860-1563

▷ Organizers

Dr. Ojoung Kwon (okwon@csufresno.edu)
Dr. Daihwan Min (mismdh@korea.ac.kr)

▷ Important Dates

Submission of papers: May 15, 2005
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2005