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Doctoral Consortium_PACIS2005 개최 안내

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등록일 : 2005-03-08
첨부파일 :
제목 Doctoral Consortium_PACIS2005 개최 안내

7 July 2005, Bangkok, Thailand in conjunction with
9th PACIFIC ASIA CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS (PACIS2005) http://www.pacis2005.ku.ac.th/ Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 July 2005


25 March 2005, Proposal Submission Deadline
07 May 2005, Notification of acceptance/rejection
03 June 2005, Final Submission Deadline
07 July 2005, Doctoral Consortium

Submissions are invited for the PACIS 2005 Doctoral Consortium. The Consortium will provide a unique opportunity for doctoral and some masters research/MPhil students at an advanced stage in their studies, to present their work to an audience of peers and faculty. The ideal candidate should have chosen their theoretical approach and started their empirical work, but have at least six months work remaining (at the time of the Consortium) before they expect to complete their dissertation. A friendly and constructive event is planned which will provide valuable feedback on the Ph.D. research process.


Dr. Kai Lim, City University of Hong Kong
Dr. James Thong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


1) The students who are eligible for the Doctoral Consortium must currently pursue doctoral research program at a recognized university. A nomination of master’s students who possess strong research and intend to converting to Ph.D. is also acceptable.

2) Students who wish to apply shall ask their faculty supervisor or department head to directly send a nomination to the Doctoral Consortium Co-chairs. An application include:

(a) Expression of Interest (email message)

(b) A letter of nomination (attachment in Word format and in English) inclusive of:
- Title of the dissertation/thesis/project
- Information of the nominee: name, mailing and e-mail address, phone and fax numbers, department and institution, degree type (Ph.D. student or masters research student)
- Information of the nominating faculty member: name, mailing and e-mail address, phone and fax numbers, department and institution.

(c) A short paper summarizing the research with length of around 2000 words indicating the stage of the research, an outline of objectives, research problem, literature, methodology, and expected outcome

3) The language for the Consortium is English, and all submitted materials must be in English. Students must have sufficient proficiency in English to participate in the academic discussions of the Consortium.

4) Submissions will be reviewed by a group of researchers and faculty selected by the PACIS Committee.

5) Selection is competitive with a maximum of 16 participants, based on the quality of the research, the contribution the student may make to the Consortium, and potential benefit of the Consortium to the students research. The consortium will include a balanced mix of students representing diverse research topics, methods, schools, and cultures.


Dr. James Thong (jthong@ust.hk)


Dr. Kai Lim (iskl@cityu.edu.hk)


The Consortium is sponsored by Kasetsart University, Thailand, and the Association for Information Systems (AIS). Morning and afternoon teas and lunch will be provided during the Consortium. The Consortium will provide no support for travel expenses. Institutions are encouraged to provide financial assistance for travel to successful nominees. Consortium nominees must attend the PACIS 2005 conference and pay the necessary registration fee.
We look forward to receiving your proposal. Should you have any queries, please contact either of the consortium co-chairs.

James Y.L. Thong, PhD
Consortium Co-Chairs:
Dept of Information and Systems Management
School of Business and Management
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Jae-Nam LEE
A member of program committee of PACIS 2005
School of Business IT, Kookmin University.