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Special issue call for papers Industrial Management & Data Systems

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등록일 : 2016-09-26
첨부파일 :
제목 Special issue call for papers Industrial Management & Data Systems

The Adoption and Resistance of Disruptive Information Technologies

Special issue call for papers Industrial Management & Data Systems

Guest Editors

 Dr. Younghoon Chang
Division of Business and Management, BNU-HKBU United International College, China
younghoonchang@gmail.com; younghooonc@uic.edu.hk

Dr. Hwansoo Lee
Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in IT LAW, Dankook University, Korea

Prof. Jae-Nam Lee
Korea University Business School, Korea

Dr. Shan Wang
Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

About the Special Issue

This special issue focuses on the adoption and resistance of emerging information technologies (e.g., IoT, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, big data, cloud computing, and FinTech), which bring disruptive changes to business activities and individual lives. Specifically, this special issue addresses the following questions:

1. Do the existing theories of technology adoption and/or diffusion explain the role of emerging disruptive technologies well? If not, how to extend the existing theories or develop new theoretical perspectives to fill the gap?

2. What additional perspectives should be considered besides the traditional adoption theories? 

3. What are the adoption and/or diffusion barriers of disruptive information technologies?

4. What are the risks of the disruptive information technologies?

5. How do the risks of the disruptive information technologies affect their adoption and/or diffusion processes?

6. Why are organizations and individuals reluctant to adopt and diffuse the disruptive information technologies?

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* New theory and perspective for the adoption and diffusion of disruptive information technologies

* State of the art and new business models using disruptive information technologies

* Success and failure factors of augmented/virtual reality applications and games

* Big Data-driven services

* Issues on emerging medical information technologies

* Legal and political issues of disruptive information technologies

* Diffusion barriers of self-driving cars

* Financial Technology (FinTech) services

* Individual, business and social Impacts of disruptive technologies

* The benefits and risks of adopting cloud computing services

* Cross cultural issues related to disruptive information technologies

* The role of disruptive information technologies in creating and sustaining business ecosystems


Submission deadline: May 31, 2017
Papers reviewed: Sept 30, 2017
Revised papers reviewed and accepted: December 31, 2017
Final versions of accepted papers delivered: January 31, 2018


We welcome papers a wide range of disciplines as well as papers based on either quantitative or qualitative approaches. Given the tight schedule, there will not be enough time for major revision. Therefore, when preparing your submission, it is strongly required to try your best to make your paper publishable as it is. Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished papers.

Authors are instructed to follow the Guide for Authors and submission guidelines for the journal at the journal’s website, and to choose "Special Issue: Disruptive IT" as the paper type in the online submission system, Scholar One.

More about the Special Issue

With technology use permeating every part of our life, both personal and at work, the issues related to its adoption have drawn concerns of all users. Technology acceptance studies have provided valuable insight and been consistently published in various outlets (Lee et al. 2013). The topic has also garnered high citation as evidenced the previous papers. As new technologies are being introduced, we expect that the adoption and resistance issues will continue to attract user interest. Although existing technology acceptance theories are old-fashioned, many researchers still apply the theories to specific contexts (e.g., developing country, education, and health care areas). However, these theories may have limitations in explaining the adoption of emerging disruptive information technologies (Sun, Y., & Jeyaraj, A. 2013). Thus, if we fill this research gap, many researchers will have better opportunities to develop the related topics based on studies included in this special issue.

