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PACIS2005 안내 및 논문모집

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등록일 : 2005-02-21
첨부파일 :
제목 PACIS2005 안내 및 논문모집
The Ninth Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2005

7-10 July 2005, Bangkok, Thailand, Plaza Athenee Hotel

Program Committee invites submissions of completed research papers and proposals for panels.
There are eleven tracks. Research-in-progress papers are not accepted.

The main theme of PACIS 2005 will focus on the roles, functions and impacts of Information and Communications Technologies on creating sustainable value; the later can be measured by a variety of performance indicators such as innovation, customer satisfaction, ROI, lower costs and higher revenues through value chains, networks and outsourcing.

As IT represents an increasingly critical investment for many firms in the Asia Pacific region, we invite researchers in the MIS community to study IT as the enabler of value creation in both brick-and-mortars and e-businesses.

* Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: March 25, 2005

Acceptance notice: May 13, 2005

Final camera-ready copy: June 3, 2005

Conference dates: July 7-10, 2005

Details can be found at the conference website http://www.pacis2005.ku.ac.th.

Enquiries can be directed to me at Pchau@business.hku.hk.

Patrick Y.K. Chau
Program Chair, PACIS 2005
University of Hong Kong

Jae-Nam LEE
A member of program committee of PACIS 2005
School of Business IT, Kookmin University.