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SDISC국제학술대회 안내(CFP-논문제출기한 연장)

북게시판 list
등록일 : 2005-01-21
첨부파일 :
제목 SDISC국제학술대회 안내(CFP-논문제출기한 연장)
San Diego International Systems Conference

July 8-10, 2005, San Diego, USA

Experience beautiful San Diego in July. The inauguration of annual San Diego International Systems Conference (SISC) will be held at the San Diego State University between July 8, 2005 and July 10, 2005. For detailed information on SISC, please refer to http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~cba/sisc/

The SISC invites local and international scholars and practitioners to participate in the program. Submission of manuscripts should be based on completed research, research-in-progress, teaching cases, or practice cases.

Submission Deadline : February 15, 2005
Notification to Authors : March 15, 2005
Due Date for Camera-ready Paper : May 1, 2005

Tracks and Track Chairs (in alphabetical order):

Business intelligence, decision support, data mining, and data warehousing
Richard Orwig, Susquehanna University, orwig@acm.org
E-businesses and e-economy
Nicholas Romano, Oklahoma State University, Nicholas-Romano@mstm.okstate.edu
Emerging technologies/paradigms
Hogeun Lee, Yonsei University, h.lee@yonsei.ac.kr
Social Issues in Information Systems
Donald L. Amoroso, Appalachian State University, amoroso@appstate.edu
Groupware and collaboration technologies
Bruce Reinig, San Diego State University, breinig@mail.sdsu.edu
Information security, auditing, and privacy
Murray Jennex, San Diego State University, mjennex@mail.sdsu.edu
IT in non-profit sectors
Nirup Menon, Universiy of Texas-Dallas, menon@utdallas.edu
IT strategy and strategic information systems
Namchul Shin, Pace University, NShin@pace.edu
Knowledge management and organizational learning
Ganesan Shankaranarayanan, Boston University, gshankar@bu.edu
Network/technology-driven business models
Bongsik Shin, San Diego State University, bshin@mail.sdsu.edu
Software technologies and Open-source computing
Akhilesh Bajaj, University of Tulsa, akhilesh-bajaj@utulsa.edu
Virtual organizations and telework
Kunihiko Higa, Tokyo Institute of Technology, ttn83z223v@mx8.ttcn.ne.jp
Wendy A. Spinks, Tokyo Science University, spinks@ms.kagu.tus.ac.jp
Initial Paper Submissions


All paper submissions as well as related questions should be directed to track chairs.

IMPORTANT: Please contact track chairs if there is no e-mail acknowledgment within two weeks after submission.

At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the conference by May 1st for the paper to be included in the electronic proceedings.


All submissions should be in English.

Only PDF and Word file formats are accepted. Files submitted in other formats will not be processed.
The first page should contain ONLY the TITLE, AUTHOR(S), TYPE OF SUBMISSION (completed research, research-in-progress, teaching case, or practice case), and THE TRACK to which the paper is being submitted.
Author information includes names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail, and affiliation.
The second page contains TITLE and ABSTRACT.
After initial submission, authors CANNOT be added to, or deleted from, papers.


Papers in completed research, teaching cases, or practice cases should not exceed 3,000 words excluding the title, abstract page, figures, tables, and references.
Research-in-progress papers should be up to 1,500 words excluding the title, abstract page, figures, tables, and references.
A submitted paper should clearly indicate the TYPE OF SUBMISSION (completed research, research-in-progress, teaching case, or practice case) on the cover page.
Any submission that exceeds length limits will be rejected without review.


Submitted papers will be double blind reviewed.
Submitted papers must not already have been published or presented. Further, they must not be currently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere.
Copyright: With the submission, the author agrees to allow SISC to publish the paper in any written or electronic format for distribution to all interested parties in perpetuity with or without compensation to SISC and without compensation to the author. The parties understand that the author is granting a nonexclusive license and all copyrights remain the property of the author.


Fit with the target track
Interesting/important problem
Conceptual/theoretical development
Methodological rigor
Interesting findings
Well structured and clearly written paper

Preparation for Final Papers

Authors of an accepted paper must use the guideline to format and submit the camera-ready copy by May 1, 2005.
(PDF version of guideline)

Paper Presentation

Please prepare your presentation on PowerPoint or transparencies.
Classrooms will be equipped with a PC (or a laptop), Internet access, an overhead projector, and a computer projector.
You can place the file on the Internet for downloading or can bring the file on floppy, CD or USB “jump” drive.
PCs will be running Windows XP.