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ICWE 2005 국제학술대회 안내

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등록일 : 2005-01-10
첨부파일 :
제목 ICWE 2005 국제학술대회 안내
ICWE 2005: The 5th International Conference on Web Engineering

25-29 July 2005

University of Technology, Sydney, Australia


The ICWE05 conference aims to bring together the international community of experts in Web Engineering research, practice and education, to share their experiences and to foster discussion on the present status of and future trends in this rapidly growing field. The conference focuses on the methodologies, techniques and tools that are the foundation of Web Engineering and which support the development, evolution, and evaluation of complex Web applications. Full details of the scope of the conference are available at www.icwe2005.org.


Deadline for paper abstracts: 4 February 2005

Deadline for paper submissions: 11 February 2005

Deadline for workshop/tutorial/ demonstration/panel proposals: 11 February 2005

Notification of workshop/tutorial acceptance: 11 March 2005 Notification of paper acceptance: 1 April 2005 Notification of demonstration acceptance: 1 April

Deadline for final versions: 19 April 2005

Woojong Suh, Ph.D.

A Member of Extended Program Committee of ICWE2005

College of Business Administration

Inha University