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작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2015-01-14
첨부파일 :
            B-to-C Electronic Commerce
An Empirical Study on the Consumer Acceptance of Digital and Physical Products in E-Commerce Hyogun Kym Seo Young Kwon
Consumer Preferences and Choice between Fixed and Non-Fixed Price Electronic Shopping Channels Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Anssi Oorni
Factors Influencing Customers Use of Electronic Commerce in Stock Trading: An Empirical Study in Korea Seongcheol Kim
            Supply Chain Management
Classification of Postponement Strategies and Performance Metrics Framework Cheng Zhang, Gek Woo Tan
Application of Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation to Harbor Supply Chain: The Order Fulfillment Perspective Dong Won Yi, Nak Hyun Kim, Soung Hie Kim, Sang Il Kim
An Agent-Based Supply Chain Management Model Ken Taniguchi, Setsuya Kurahashi, Takao Terano
            Knowledge Management Strategy
The Impact of Absorptive Capacity of the Firm upon ERP Adoption Hyunju Suh, Hyogun Kym
Justification on Knowledge Management Strategies: A New Perspective on Knowledge Creating Process Byounggu Choi, Heeseok Lee
Organizational Communication in Telework: Towards Knowledge Management Kunihiko Higa, HongGirl Lee
            Group Support Systems
A Qualitative Analysis of the Interaction among Culture, Technology and Groupwork Nasrin Rahmati
Conflict Management in Dialectical Inquiry, Devils Advocacy and Consensus-Based Decision Making Approaches in a GSS Environment Lai Lai Tung, Mohammed Quaddus
An Exploratory Study of Cyber Group Development Process Feng-yang Kuo, Chia- ping Yu
            Strategic Impact of Information Systems
Strategic Information Systems Control Practices in New Zealand Mustafa Eid, Attahir B. Yusuf, Antonious Vitalis
An Inter-industrial Comparison Study on the Benefits of Production Information Systems Yoshiki Matsui, Osam Sato
Evaluating Information Presentation Formats and Display Designs for Supporting System-User Concept Communication: An Experimental Study Paul Jen-Hwa Hu, Patrick Y. K. Chau
            B-to-B Electronic Commerce I
The Impact of Task Characteristics and Partnership Attributes on Implementation Success and Performance in B2B Systems Sangjae Lee
Critical Success Factors in Business-to-Business E-commerce: The Views of IS Managers Michal Hermanek, Charmaine Schlemmer, Beverley G. Hope, Sid L. Huff
            B-to-B Electronic Commerce II
Business Value of B2B Electronic Commerce: The Critical Role of Inter-Firm Collaboration Ho Geun Lee, Theodore H. Clark
Implementing e-Government Initiatives: An Exploratory Case Study Zulfiqar Ahmed Khan, Shan-Ling Pan
            Online Education
Delivering Enterprise Resource Planning (SAP R/3) Curriculum Using eLearning Resources Paul Hawking, Brendan McCarthy
The Impact of Internet on Education: Towards an Emerging Paradigm Kai Lung Hui, Shan Ling Pan, Bernard C. Y. Tan
Outsourcing as a Fad - The Rational Agent versus Structural Imposition Philip J. Dobson
A Strategic Fit Model for IT Outsourcing Success: An Exploratory Approach Jae-Nam Lee
            IS Security/Legal Issues
A Framework for Managing Information Systems Security Irene Woon
Information Systems Development Contracts: An Exploratory Study of Australian Legal Practitioners and Information Systems Professionals Perceptions Kathryn Hodges, Phil Joyce, Ross Smith
            New Media
Relation Formation by Medium Properties: A Multiagent Simulation Hitoshi Yamamoto, Isamu Okada, Makoto Igarashi, Toshizumi Ohta
Rules of Convergence - What Would Become the Face of the Internet TV? Hyoshik Yu,Youngsu Lee Seokin Hong,Jinwoo Kim, Hyunho Kim
            Electronic Strategy
A Study of Cultural Effects on Building e-Business Strategy and Web Site Functional Development: A Case Study of Cyworld.com in South Korea Younghwa Lee, Zoonky Lee, Sangbeom Seo, Myungsub Park
Modelling Implementation of E-Commerce Strategy Syed Nasirin, Theerasak Thanasankit, Brian Corbitt
Electronic Commerce Strategic Investment Justification Frameworks: An Australian Perspective Jasmina Drinjak, Phil Joyce, Graeme Altmann
            Digital Economy
Virtual Business Chains in the Internet Environment Qi Li, Xianfeng Zhang
IUnderstanding the New Economy: A Systemic View Sunghyun Juhn
The Impact of Customization and Pricing on Surpluses in a Digital Economy with Digital Goods Beomsoo Kim, Andrew B. Whinston
            Agent-based Systems
The Social Consequences of Using Agent-Based Systems Samuel Chong, Michael S. H. Heng, Kecheng Liu
Software Producers Choice on Compatibility with Hardware Sang-Yong Tom Lee
An Agent for Selecting Optimal Order Set in EC Marketplace Hyung Rim Choi, Hyun Soo Kim, Young Jae Park, Byung Joo Park, Andrew B. Whinston
            Research Issues and Methodology
Revisiting Technology Acceptance Model with Social Influence Factors Hee-Dong Yang, In-Young Choi
IEnterprise Science for Technology-intensive Company and its Elaboration by Systems Thinking Kyoichi Jim Kijima, Hugo Tschirky
Shaping a Process Model for Action Research Judy McKay, Peter Marshall
            Virtual Communities
Exploring the Factors Enhancing Member Participation in Virtual Communities Won-Seok Yoo Kil-Soo Suh,Moon BongLee
IUnveiling the Traffic Dynamics of A Virtual Community Eugenia Y. K. Huang
Virtual Communities as Challenges to Real Companies Christopher Lueg
            Electronic Marketplace
The Strategic Planning of B2B eHub Byungcho Kim, Haesung Han
B2B Performance Evaluation Model Hyo-Guen Kym, Han-Hee Lee, Hui-Jin Kim, Gah-Jin In
The Characteristics of Successful e-marketplaces Craig Standing
            Electronic Commerce in Pacific-Asia Countries
Electronic Commerce in Korea: Critical Success Factors Tae Kyung Sung, Sang Kyu Lee
Internet Culture in Developing Countries with Special Reference to E-Commerce Daniel Chandran, Kyeong-Soon Kang, Rene Leveaux
A Survey on the Digital Divide of Remote Rural Areas and the Policy of Digital Inclusion in Korea Kyung Hoon Yang, Byung Hee Song
            Data Management
Factors Affecting Implementation of Data Warehouse Young-Sook Lee, Dong-Man Lee, Chang-Kyo Suh
Rebuilding the Legacy Database Systems for the E-Businss of Electric Utility Company Hakyun Kim, C. Christopher Lee, Seungho Jung
An Exploratory Analysis of Semantic Network Complexity for Data Modeling Performance Aik Huang Lee, Hock Chuan Chan
            Development of Web-based Information Systems
Component-based Approach to the Development of Internet EDI Software for Electronic Document Management Jian Ma, Jiazhi Liang, Quan Zhang
Improved WWW Cache Updating for Rapidly Changing Objects R. G. de Silva, G. C. Low, W. J. Dewar
E-commerce Architecture Evaluation Through Stress Test Young Hwan Lee, Jong Soon Park
            Media Richness
Managerial Information Acquisition and the World Wide Web: An Exploratory Study David R. Arnott, Wen Dee Tan
Understanding Cultural Influence on Media Choice: A Cross-Cultural Study within Multinational Organization Setting Zixiu Guo, John DAmbra, Bob Edmundson
Built It But They Didnt Come - Investigating Knowledge Sharing and Creation in a Teacher Professional Cyber Community Fu-ren Lin, Tzu-ping Huang, Sheng-cheng Lin, Rong-fuh Day
            Human Resources and IT Success
The Effect of CIOs Transformational Leadership on Empowerment and Leadership Performance: An Analysis Using Structural Equational Modeling JoongHo Ahn, Sundong Kwon
Organizational Characteristics, Computer Literacy and Attitudes of CEOs toward the Use of Information Technology: A Study of Bruneian Small & Medium Business Enterprises Afzaal H. Seyal, Mohd. Noah A. Rahman, Haji Awang Yussof Haji Awg Mohamad
            Internet Marketing
Exploring Users Intention and Behavior of the Portal Site: Application of Technology Acceptance Model Sheng Wu, Cathy S. Lin
A Study of Web Searching Behaviors - Comparing the Effort-Accuracy Tradeoff Model with the Social Cognitive Theory Feng-yang Kuo, Tsai-hsin Chu, Hong-ssu Hsieh
Online Consumer Stickiness: A Longitudinal Study Mohamed Khalifa, Moez Limayem, Vanessa Liu
            Data Mining/Knowledge Discovery
A Methodology for Detecting the Change of Customer Behavior based on Association Rule Mining Hee Seok Song, Soung Hie Kim, Jae Kyeong Kim
Event Detection for Supporting Environmental Scanning: An Information Extraction- based Approach Chih-Ping Wei, Yen-Hsien Lee
Design of a Trusted Auction System Using Relationship-based Internet Community Kun-Woo Yang, Soon-Young Huh
            Knowledge Management Architecture
Managing Knowledge in Enterprise Systems Roy Chan, Michael Rosemann
A Knowledge Management Scheme for Meta-Data: An Information Structure Graph Choon Yeul Lee
Using Knowledge-Based E-mail System to Support Office Workflow Management: A Scenario-Based Approach Liqun Hwang, Kunihiko Higa
            System Development Methodology
EMAF: An Enterprise Manufacturing Application Framework Integrated Environment Sai Peck Lee, Siew Khim Thin, Hong Song Liu
Testing a Framework for the Quality of Process Models - A Case Study Michael Rosemann, Wasana Sedera, Darshana Sedera
A Framework for Selecting Information Systems Planning(ISP) Approach

Sung Kun Kim, Soon-Sam Hwang,Jin-Sil Lee

            Adoption of Information Techology
Assessing Three Theories of Information Systems Innovation: An Interpretive Case Study of a Funds Management Company Nicholas David Jones, Michael D. Myers
IAdoption of Internet Technologies in Small Businesses Jungwoo Lee, Janet Runge, Seungik Baek
The Impact of Bureaucratic Control on Organizational Predisposition Towards Distributed Work Arrangements: An Empirical Study Sarah P. W. Shek, Choon-Ling Sia, Hock-Hai Teo, Bernard C. Y. Tan
            Virtual Storefronts
Shopping on line - User concerns Annemieke Craig, Helen Vakaloudis, John Bentley
Conceptual Framework for Benchmarking Web Storefronts of Internet Retailers Hui Kun Neo, Gek Woo Tan
Intelligent Marketing and Merchandising Techniques for an Internet Shopping Mall Sung Ho Ha, Sung Min Bae, Sang Chan Park
            Knowledge Sharing
Information Systems, Information Sharing, and Communities of Practice Christopher Lueg, Reinhard Riedl
IEffects of Managerial Drivers and Climate Maturity on Knowledge Management Performance: Empirical Val Jang-Hwan Lee, Young-Gul Kim
Breaking the Myths of Rewards: An Exploratory Study of Attitudes about Knowledge Sharing Gee-Woo Bock, Young-Gul Kim
            Enterprise Resource Planning
Barriers to ERP Implementation: An Action Research Alvin Wan Kok Cheung, Shan Ling Pan, Jimmy Huang
Threats to ERP Success: A Case Study Robert William Smyth
A Comparative Analysis of Major ERP Lifecycle Implementation, Management and Support Issues in Queensland Government She-I Chang, Guy G. Gable
            Inter-Organization Systems
Spatially Reading a Web Information System (WIS) Research in Progress Anita Greenhill
Adoption of Category Management by the Australian Grocery Industry Sherah Kurnia, Robert B. Johnston