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[공지사항] PRE-ICIS 2007 WORKSHOP ON IS Research in the Era of Web 2.0
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2007-09-18
첨부파일 : workshop.doc
PRE-ICIS 2007 WORKSHOP ON IS Research in the Era of Web 2.0
December 9 (Sunday), 2007; Montreal, Canada

The Korean Association for Information Systems (KrAIS) and The Journal of MIS Research are pleased to announce a Workshop on IS Research in the Era of Web 2.0, to be held pre-ICIS on December 9, 2007 in Montreal, Canada. The goal of this special research workshop is to create a forum of exchange of ideas among IS scholars who are interested in Web 2.0 in order to increase our understanding of the impacts of Web 2.0 technology on work organization and society and to develop new ways to theoretically and methodologically study computer embedded and mediated knowledge work. We are particularly interested in rich empirical accounts of real life Web 2.0 work and organizations. The papers that are presented at the workshop will be considered for the fast track review for a special issue of the Journal MIS Research on the same topic which is scheduled to be published next year.

Call for Papers:
YouTube, Wikipedia, MySpace, SecondLife and GoogleMaps!!! These just few examples of so-called Web 2.0 technologies that are rapidly changing the way we use information and communication technologies, not only in our work but also in our everyday life. Organizations may be able to take advantage of these new technologies to design and support new ways of communication, collaboration, coordination and learning. Using these new technologies, organizations might be able to make existing process more effective and efficient. Or these new tools may open up completely new ways of organizing. At the same time, these new emerging practices and technologies might challenge existing theories and methodologies used in information systems (IS) research.

We invite research-in-progress and completed research papers that focus on the changing role of IS research and practice in the era of 2.0. The research workshop seeks research papers that reflect the current IS research and practice and suggest new avenues of novel approaches to research and practice. To this end, we invite original research papers dealing with Web 2.0 applications and services in the following (but not limited to) topics:
- Management of Web 2.0 technology in organizations
- Use of Web 2.0 in managing IS resources
- IT governance
- Electronic commerce
- Human-computer interaction
- Design of Web services
- IT-enabled products and services
- Applications of Web 2.0 technology in virtual teams and knowledge management
- Cross cultural issues in the design and use of Web 2.0
- Social computing
- New forms of organizing enabled by Web 2.0
- Novel research approaches studying Web 2.0
- Theoretically informed rich case study of real-life applications of Web 2.0

All submissions must be in English, should represent original work done by the authors, and must NOT have been published, accepted for publication, or be presently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors who are interested in participating in the workshop need to submit an extended abstract with no more than 3 pages by October 20, 2007 to J.P. Shim at jshim@cobilan.msstate.edu. Please use Microsoft Word with MISQ style for your paper and references. Submissions will undergo a blind review process. All authors should agree to provide timely reviews of at most two other submissions, if requested. The workshop is intended to provide a forum for feedback and idea sharing among potential authors.

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: October 20, 2007
Notification of Acceptance: November 9, 2007
Workshop: December 9, 2007 (Sunday)

J.P. Shim (jshim@cobilan.msstate.edu), Mississippi State University
Youngjin Yoo (youngjin.yoo@temple.edu), Temple University
Hee-Woong Kim (kimhw@comp.nus.edu.sg), National University of Singapore