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[공지사항] 2005 추계국제학회 CFP(마감일 연장)
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2005-06-22
첨부파일 : 2005국제학회논문모집 및 포맷.zip
-2005 KMIS International Conference Call for Papers-

The ubiquitous computing environment is rapidly changing the trends of industries and companies, and will continue to provide, in the near future, numerous services that have never been thought of before. The emergence of such a computing environment offers new opportunities for organizations to extend their services and create their IT strategies, yielding high productivity and efficiency. Moreover, this new environment challenges traditional information systems in terms of computing and information services of various industries, organizations, and businesses.

The International Conference on Information Systems for a Ubiquitous Society will be held on November 24, 2005 at Jeju Island, Korea. The conference will provide a forum for international researchers in academia, industry, and government. They will be able to address profound issues and present and discuss their ideas and works on all aspects of the global ubiquitous society as the pioneers of broad areas of information services and systems.

* Theme : Information Systems for a Ubiquitous Society
* Date : November 24-26, 2005
* Place : Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju Island, Korea
* Hosted By : The Korea Society of Management Information Systems
* Sponsor : Korea Ministry of Information and Communications

▣ Instructions for Contributors

1) Official language of the conference is English.

2) Submission Schedule

August 1, 2005 : Title and 1-paragraph (about 100 words) abstract
September 15, 2005 : Paper (3-5 pages)
October 5, 2005 : Notification
October 31, 2005 : Camera-ready paper

3) The length of the paper must be 3 to 5 pages excluding the cover page. The cover page should include the title, author(s), author’s affiliation, e-mail address, tel/fax number, postal address and an abstract of the paper. In case of multiple authors, the responsibility for correspondence and /or presentation should be noted-stated respectively.

4) Papers must contain original material and not be previously published or currently submitted for consideration elsewhere.

5) Papers must be prepared in Microsoft Word format. For a detailed format of the paper, conference internet homepage (http://www.kmis.or.kr) can be referred.

6) Submission Method
Abstract and Paper must be sent by e-mail to paper@kmis.or.kr
Final camera-ready paper must be prepared in PDF file. Both MS-Word and PDF files must be sent to the above e-mail address.

7) For further information please contact following address:
Prof. E.M. Choi ,Kookmin University, emchoi@kookmin.ac.kr +82-2-910-4495
Prof. H.D.Yang Ewha Womans University hdyang@ewha.ac.kr +82-2-3277-3582
Conference office office@kmis.or.kr +82-2-795-1354

자세한 Abstract / Full Paper 포맷 및 발표 분야는 첨부파일을 참조하여 주시기 바랍니다.

Tel : 02-795-1354, Fax : 02-795-3254, e-mail : office@kmis.or.kr
한국경영정보학회 홈페이지로 가기(http://www.kmis.or.kr)