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[행사안내] 2013 춘계학술대회 프로그램 안내
작성자 : 관리자 등록일 : 2013-06-04
첨부파일 :


2013 춘계학술대회 프로그램 안내

▶ 2013. 06. 19(수)

▶제주ICC 401A,401B, 402A, 402B


ICC Jeju (Main Venue)

Room & Time






No Session

No Session

KMIS - 01

KMIS - 02

Cloud Computing


Jae-Nam Lee

IT/IS Management


Wonjin Jung


Coffee Break


KMIS - 03

KMIS - 04

KMIS - 05

KMIS - 06

Smart IT & Life


Chulmo Koo

Big Data & Data Visualization


Jaehee Cho

Social Media & Human Behavior


Jaeki Song

IS Security & Privacy


Hee-Woong Kim


Coffee Break


KMIS - 07

KMIS - 08

KMIS - 09

Workshop on the Next IT Service Frontier

Mobile Applications


Jae Yun Moon

SNS & Individual Impact


Gee-Woo Bock

E-Business (Ⅰ)


Kyoung Jun Lee


Coffee Break


KMIS - 10

KMIS - 11

KMIS - 12

Workshop on the Next IT Service Frontier

Enterprise Systems & Business Process Management


Soon-Chang Park

SNS & Business Impact


Byungjoon Yoo

E-Business (Ⅱ)


Cheol Park


KMIS 최우수. 우수 논문 시상식 ................... 402A , 4F


Conference Welcome Reception - Oceanview, 5F

세부프로그램 안내

KMIS-01. Cloud Computing

Jae-Nam Lee

(Korea University)

A Study on the Technology AcceptanceFactors of the Public Cloud Computing Services

DaeHo Kim, Tae Hyung Kim (MokWon University)

Research Trend Analysis on Cloud ComputingUsing Social Network Analysis

DongSung Kim, Jong Woo Kim (Hanyang University)

Cross-NationalStudy on Factors AffectingCloud Computing Adoption in the Public Sector

: Focus on Perceived Risk

JeanPierre Gashami, Younghoon Chang, Myeong-Cheol Park (KAIST)

A Study on the Intention to Use CloudServices Based on Their Characteristics

SooYoung Yoon, Jay In Oh (Dankook Unversity)

KMIS-02. IT/IS Management

Wonjin Jung

(Dankook University)

Design of NFC-based Out-of-Home AdvertisingBusiness Model

JuneYeop Lee, Jungho Jun, Kyoung Jun Lee (Kyung Hee University)

Constructing NFC-based Exhibition Systemand Analysis of Exhibitors’ Action Data

MyoungHee Choi, Jungho Jun, Kyoung Jun Lee (Kyung Hee University)

Comparing the Perception of Korea and Japanon the Awareness of Future Technologies

Soon-ChangPark (Hyupsung University)

KMIS-03. Smart IT & Life

Chulmo Koo

(Kyung Hee University)

Utilization of Mobile Information andPerceptions of Society

: A Comparison of Korea, China, U.S.A and Japan

JongKun Jun (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), Thae Min Lee (Chungbuk NationalUniversity),

Cheol Park (Korea University)

A Study on the Interferences Between Work and Nonworkin the Smart Work Context

Sangjo Oh (DongyangMirae University), Yong-YoungKim (Konkuk University),

Jong Man Lee (Dongyang Mirae University)

Are We Happy in Smart Work Era?

Tae-Won Kim (Chungbuk NationalUniversity), Sang-Hyun Park (National Information Society Agency), Sang-Wook Kim (ChungbukNational University)

KMIS-04. Big Data & Data Visualization

Jaehee Cho

(Kwangwoon University)

Developing Knowledge Map of Big Data Fieldthrough Co-word Analysis

EunjinKim, Wonkyun Joo, Jinseo Park (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)

Social Search Effects on Metamemory

Hyun-WoongJo, Sang-Wook Kim (Chungbuk National University)

Tutorial:Data Visualization

JaeheeCho (Kwangwoon University)

KMIS-05. Social Media & Human Behavior

Jaeki Song

(Sogang University)

Enriching Seamless Customer Experience inElectronic Cross-Channel Commerce

JaekiSong, Seonjin Shin, Miri Kim (Sogang University), Junghwan Kim (Texas Tech University)

The Effects of Characteristics of OnlineCustomer Review on Review Helpfulness

SeungjoonLee, Hyunjeong Kang (Hongik University)

Comparing the Perception of Korea and Japanon the Concern of Future Technologies

Soon-ChangPark (Hyupsung University)

KMIS-06. IS Security & Privacy

Hee-Woong Kim

(Yonsei University)

A Study on Policy of Personal InformationProtection in Big Data Era:Focus on Effective Regulation,Privacy Control, and Trust

YounghoonChang, Hyunmok Oh, Jimin Kim, Myeong-Cheol Park (KAIST)

The Impact of CPO Characteristics and Roleson Organizational Security Performance

JiyoungWee, Jaeyoung Jang, Beomsoo Kim (Yonsei University)

The Influence of Perceived Social Presence ofe-Shopping Sites on Perceived Deception

MichalWaszkiewicz, Jongkun Jun (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

KMIS-07. Mobile Applications

Jae Yun Moon

(Korea University)

Improvement on the Continuous Use Based onKakaotalk Mobile Social Game

Yo-seob Bae (Yonsei University)

A Study on the Influencing Factors ofOnline Word-of-Mouth Adoption in the ApplicationsMarket - using elaboration likelihood model

Ji-yeonShin, Soon-han Bae, Yun-young Song, Seung-ik Baek (Hanyang University)

Effects of Attributes of Smartphone Applicationon the Network Externality

Ji-eunJeong, Sang-Wook Kim (Chungbuk National University)

Acceptance Model of Smart Magazine in Termsof Information Sharing

HyunJoo Lee, Jin Ki Kim (Korea Aerospace University)

KMIS-08. SNS & Individual Impact

Gee-Woo Bock

(Sungkyunkwan University)

Cross-National Comparison of SocialInteraction on Social Network

HyerinKim, Younghoon Chang, Hangjung Zo, Myeong-Cheol Park (KAIST)

A study on SNS Friendship Desire: ItsAntecedents and Consequence

Yoon-JungJang, Hee-Woong Kim (Yonsei University)

SNS Usage Behavior Classification ModelAccording to the Motivation Participation

Sun-HeePark, Tae-Won Kim, Sang-Wook Kim (Chungbuk National University)

The Effects of the Content in SocialNetwork on the Human Valuesbased on Cultural Backgrounds

MiriKim, Jaeki Song (Sogang University)

KMIS-09. E-Business (Ⅰ)

Kyoung Jun Lee

(Kyung Hee University)

Optimal Revenue Model for OnlineIntermediaries

KihoonKim (Korea University), Heungsoo Jang (LogisAll)

A Study on the In-house e-currencyTechnology and Application Cases

Hyun-JooKim (Dankook University), Soo-Jong Lee (Hyupsung University), In-Chul Shin


A Study on the Impact of Music RecommenderSystem in Online Digital Music Distributors

HyunMo Kim, Jae Hong Park, Min Yong Kim (Kyung Hee University)

An International Comparison on theExpectation of Future Promising Technologies

Soon-ChangPark (Hyupsung University)

KMIS-10. Enterprise Systems & Business Process Management

Soon-Chang Park

(Hyupsung University)

An Exhibition Booth Layout AllocationProcedure based on Booth Network Analysis

YoonJeong Jeong, Hyun Sil Moon, Jae KyeungKim (Kyung Hee University)

The Effect of CAI Capabilities on the NPDProductivities: Focusing on the Dynamic CapabilityTheory

JaeEok Shim, Jay In Oh (DankookUnversity)

An Exploratory Study for the Impact ofTransactive Memory on Organizational Knowledge Creation

ChangLiu, Sang-Wook Kim, Wei Keon Zhang (Chungbuk National University)

An International Comparison on the issuesof Future Promising Technologies

Soon-ChangPark (Hyupsung University)

KMIS-11. SNS & Business Impact

Byungjoon Yoo

(Seoul National University)

A Study on Continuous Use of Corporate SNSAccounts from an Emotional Perspective

JuyeonHam, Hyun-Sun Ryu, Sunghun Ji, Jae-Nam Lee (Korea University)

The Predictive Impact of Online SocialNetwork Services on the Stock Market-Based on TwitterUsers

Ee-HwanKim, Jong-Sook Jin, Joo-Seok Park, Jae-Hong Park (Kyung Hee University)

The Impact of the SNS and PersonalCharacteristics on Customer Relationship

ByungSub Cho, Jay In Oh (Dankook University)

Exploratory Case Study for Key SuccessfulFactors of Platform Business

ArumPark, Kyoung Jun Lee (Kyung Hee University)

KMIS-12. E-Business(Ⅱ)

Cheol Park

(Korea University)

A study on the influence of CustomerOpinions Containing Negative Emotions on

OrganizationalInnovation in an Online Brand Community

Su-Yeon Jung, Han-Jun Lee, Yong-Moo Suh (KoreaUniversity)

An Exploratory Study on Cyber Bullying

So-HyunLee, Kyungjin Seo, Hee-Woong Kim (Yonsei University)

Understanding the Role of IntermediaryFairness and Trust in the Supplier’s Intention to

Participatein B2B Reverse Auction

HyunAm Shin (Samsung Economic Research Institute), Won Jun Lee, Youn Jung Kang,


Websites Quality, Satisfaction, and VisitIntention: Visit Korea Website

Chulmo Koo,Changseok Lee, Namho Chung (Kyung Hee University)

* 제주공항에서 제주ICC 오시는 길

- 제주공항 5번 GATE로 나오셔서 600번 리무진 버스 탑승 - 제주 ICC 하차

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