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The 18th International Conference on Electronic Commerce:ICEC 2016

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등록일 : 2016-04-06
첨부파일 : ICEC2016_Call for Paper.pdf
제목 The 18th International Conference on Electronic Commerce:ICEC 2016

The 18th International Conference on Electronic Commerce:
ICEC 2016

Suwon, Korea, August 17-19, 2016


We invite you to submit a paper to be considered for inclusion in the Program of the 18th International Conference on Electronic Commerce: ICEC 2016. Accepted papers will be presented on August 17-19, 2016. The detailed information will be available in due course through the conference website (www.icec.net/icec2016). For further inquiries, please feel free to contact the Program Secretariat (contact@icec.net) or the Conference Secretariat (icec2016@mci-group.com).

The Theme: e-Commerce in Smart Connected World

The theme of the ICEC 2016 is “e-Commerce in Smart Connected World”. With the advent of IoT (Internet of Things) technologies, e-Commerce expands to deal with smart connected products and smart connected services. The emergence of smart connected products and services has been changing the way of doing business of incumbents and startups, their business models, and the commerce among them itself. Firms and their utives should be aware of the change and the impacts and prepare for the new business models and processes based on their products and services. The authors are asked to find ways to balance the technical aspects and managerial aspects of e-Commerce in utilizing this new trend and encouraged to cover some of the characteristics of the theme and analyze real businesses and technology cases.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline:April 13, 2016
Paper Decision:May 24, 2016
Camera-ready papers and abstracts:June 15, 2016 


– Smart Connected Products and Services
– Smart and Wearable Technologies
– Smart Health & Hospitals
– Smart Tourism and Smart Logistics
– Internet of Things and e-Commerce
– Mobile and Social Commerce
– O2O Commerce and Economics of
– Social Media and Digital Marketing

– FinTech: Mobile Payments, Bitcoin
& Blockchain
– Data Mining & Big Data Analytics
– AI and Deep Learning for e-Commerce
– Social Network Analysis and Network Science
– Human Computer Interactions
– Bright Internet and Cybersecurity
– Cloud Services and Service Innovation
– Smart Factory and Manufacturing