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등록일 : 2015-12-07
첨부파일 : CFP ITAM-15 January 2016.doc
제목 15th ITAM CFP

 15th International Conference on IT Applications and Management

Theme: Mobility, Culture and Tourism in the Digitalized World

January 27 ~ 30, 2016

Host and venue: Universite de Paris Sud, Paris, France & Bourgogne University, Dijon, France

Supported by Korea Database Society, Korea Database Agency

The International Conference on IT Applications and Management (ITAM) is an international forum for researchers and industry experts to exchange information regarding advances in the state of the art and application of information technology and management. Submissions of high quality papers are invited.

The main theme of the 15th ITAM conference (ITAM-15) is Culture, Tourism and Mobile Business Model.” The theme covers the use of future digital technology and increased mobility for the betterment of culture and tourism. The pre-conference meeting will include a symposium on “The Future of Asia: on Asia-Europe Collaboration in Research, Education and Business.” Post-conference event will include visits to important industrial and cultural locations in and around Paris and Dijon – the center of Burgundy Wine- France.

15 International Conference on IT Applications and Management

일시: 2016 1 27~29

장소: University of Paris, Sud / Bourgogne University, Dijon, France

기타: 첨부 CFP 참조

문의: 황재훈(jwhang@yonsei.ac.kr조남재(njcho@hanyang.ac.kr)